Faculty of „National Security and Defense“
The „NSO“ faculty is the main educational and scientific unit of the „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski“ Military Academy.
The faculty carries out scientific and applied research on systems for the protection of national security and the defense of the country. It implements education programs at the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Trains, supports and ensures the acquisition of the educational and scientific degree „Doctor“ in the professional fields of „National Security“, „Military Affairs“ and „Psychology“. Conducts postgraduate qualification courses.
- Dean
- Vice dean
- Department „Organization of the educational process“
- Policies, strategies and defense planning
- Joint Operations and Planning
- National and international security
- Security and Defense Management
- Psychology and Leadership
Faculty Council
- Composition of the faculty council

Dean of the FNSO
Col. Assoc. Dr. Zhivko Zhelev
phone (02) 92 26 505
Fax: (+03592) 92 26 544
Deputy Dean of the FNSO Col. Assoc. Dr. Petko Petkov
phone (02) 92 26 533
To train the leadership of the state and the armed forces in a national format and at the same time – in an international context, is politically far-sighted, strategically important and morally responsible. This approach gives the nation leaders who have been brought up in a national environment, know very well not only the armed forces, but also the „agenda“ of Bulgarian society and have psychological and moral qualities that correspond to the character of the nation.
The Faculty of National Security and Defense brings together the theory and practical experience of security environment assessment, defense and armed forces leadership, security resource management and the use of armed forces with the goal of building the country’s future leaders.
- Confirmation of the role of the faculty in the system of education and qualification of BA „G. S. Rakovski“.
- Creating conditions for the development of the OCS bachelor’s curricula and connecting the master’s programs with the real needs defined in the Strategic Review of Security and Defence.
- Increasing the trainees’ opportunities for professional realization in the field of state administration and the leadership of the armed forces.
- Balanced development and improvement of the training system in the faculty.
- Trains military and civilian leaders in the theory and practice of defence and armed forces management and in working in multinational teams compatible with NATO and EU requirements;
- Prepares experts ensuring interaction and joint work of ministries and departments, state administration and local self-government bodies with competences to solve tasks for the protection of common and national interests in the structures of NATO, the EU and organizations of regional and national importance for security;
- Conducts scientific research for the development of the fields of higher education 9. „Security and Defence“ and 3. „Social, economic and legal sciences“;
- Provides expertise in support of the government’s security policy, defence policy of the Ministry of Defence, the leadership of the armed forces and the command and control system;
- Participates in public and international debate on security, peacekeeping and civil-military relations to ensure transparency and trust between actors on a bilateral, regional and alliance basis.
- Increasing the effectiveness of education. process.
- Continuous updating of study materials.
- Creating conditions for a fair distribution of the study load.
Courses for official and additional qualification held in Bulgarian
- „Strategic course“ – regular training
- „Strategic course“ – distance learning
- „Staff course for officers of all branches of troops“
- „Staffing the troops with mobilization resources“
- „Personnel Management in Military Formations“
- „Defence Human Resource Management“
- „Public Defense Administration“
- „Public relations“ – I level
- „Public relations“ – II level
- „Civil-Military Cooperation“
- „Permanent seminar with management team“
- „Nationally oriented training for officers graduated from foreign military universities, colleges and academies at the strategic level“
- „Defence-mobilization preparation“
- „Crisis Management“
- „Psychological operations“
- „Anti-corruption“
- „Adaptation Consultants“
- „Countering Modern Terrorism“
Courses for official and additional qualification conducted in English
- „Strategic course“ – regular training in English
- „Improving the training of staff officers“
- „Operational planning in NATO (under the Allied Command Operations Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive – COPD)“
- „Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) in Multinational Operations“
- „Strategic communications
Maintained partnership relations
Leading universities and institutes with which curricula and lecturers are exchanged;
The consortium of military academies and security research institutes under the Partnership for Peace program, NATO’s policy on education and training of the armed forces in the form of EASP and others.
The Faculty of „National Security and Defence“ holds the LLOYD’S REGISTER International Certificate in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
82 Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi Blvd.
Phone: + 359 2/ 92 26 550
E-mail: rnda@armf.bg