Voenen Zhurnal
Voenen zhurnal is the first theoretical military journal in Bulgaria. Its first issue was published in 1888 and it used to be published monthly. Its Editor-in-chief was the Chief of the Armed Forces HQ Maj. Racho Petrov. Voenen zhurnal was published until 1947 with two interruptions: in 1913 and in 1916 – 1919. Ministerial Order № 16 from 27 January 1992 of the Minister of Defence reinstated the title of Voenen zhurnal of the former Voenna misal journal and it was published 6 times a year as the official journal of the Ministry of Defence.
Since 2000 the team of Voenen zhurnal has been part of the editorial board of G. S. Rakovski National Defence College and since 2016 the journal has been published by the Defence College.
The journal’s articles, published four times a year, provide authoritative work on wide range of military science and defence policy topics, as well as important economic, social and various issues related to national security and Bulgarian Armed Forces.
Voenen zhurnal accepts articles up to 20 standard pages (30 lines, 60 characters per line). They are submitted electronically in Word 97-2003 (Document, Times New Roman, Font Size 12) and PDF format, as well as printed in one copy. As an exception, authors can publish two articles in an issue but only if they are a co-author of the second article.
Each article is accompanied by short abstracts and key words both in Bulgarian and English (Font Size 10). The title and the name(s) of the author(s) are also in Bulgarian and English. At the end of the article there should be contact information with author(s) details, and a signed statement that the article does not contain any classified information.
Tables and figures should not be scanned and should be numbered consequently. Numbering of the formulae should be on the right.
Referencing is with Endnotes in accordance with the Bulgarian State Standard ISO 690:2011 and the Academic Bulgarian Language Dictionary from 2012. It is not allowed to refer only to a website. Bibliography in Bulgarian should be transliterated (Cf. Academic Bulgarian Language Dictionary: p. 37).
General overview of the journal’s philosophy of existence
Voenen zhurnal is one of the first scientific journals in Bulgaria. In its long history, more than 100 years of existence, it has always been the leader in the scientific area and an example of correctness and openness to criticism, alternative ideas and innovative approaches. The leading principles are objectivity, impartiality and scientific approach to any topic.
The major intention of the journal is the intention of spreading knowledge and results from the scientific research work, theories, concepts and achievements in education and training in the area of defence and security sector.
The journal is funded and fully supported by ”G. S. Rakovski” National Defence College and it can be used only for scientific and educational purposes. It cannot be used for commercial purposes or advertising whatsoever.
The National Defence College and the editorial board are committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. The cornerstones of our policy are - no plagiarism, no fraudulent data, correct citation of sources of information and references, zero tolerance to publishing a research in our journal if it has already been published somewhere else.
Responsibilities of the editorial board
Editorial board is responsible for everything published in the journal. The members of the editorial board are expected to:
- accept or reject articles;
- publish materials in support to education and training in the area of security and defence;
- make the journal accessible for the society and open for feedback;
- ensure the quality of the material they publish;
- provide academic freedom of expression;
- maintain the integrity of the academic record;
- preclude business needs from compromising intellectual standards;
- always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed;
- treat reviewers articles confidentially and keep their anonymity;
- make sure that there is no conflict of interest or plagiarism;
- enhance and encourage the objectivity and accountability of the peer reviewing.
Author’s responsibilities
- authors must declare that the material provided has not been published in another journal, where portions of the content overlap with published or submitted content, to acknowledge and cite those sources;
- authors are responsible for the correct citations and usage of references and sources;
- authors are responsible for maintaining accurate records of data associated with their submitted manuscript, and to supply or provide access to these data, on reasonable request;
- authors are responsible for keeping their articles free of plagiarism;
- authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest.
Responsibilities for the reviewers
- Reviewers should be objective in their judgments;
- State any potential conflict of interest that might influence their judgment;
- Reviewers must be sure that the data has been used correctly, cited appropriately and if necessary to require proof for authenticity;
- Reviewers’ articles should be treated confidentially.
Dealing with unethical behavior
- Cases of plagiarism, conflict of interest, data fraud or any other unethical behavior may be identified and brought to the attention of the editorial board and publisher at any time, by anyone;
- Unethical behavior should be considered any case which is not in line with the overall philosophy of existence of the journal or responsibilities defined above;
- Anonymous signals are not tolerated and will be left without any consequences;
- Investigation is initiated by the chief editor and conducted by the ethical board to the Academic council of the National Defence College;
- No allegation is allowed before having sound proof and evidence;
- If the unethical author is a member of the academic community of the National Defence College the ethical code of the college is applied. If the author is not from the college he/she is informed not to send articles for publishing in the Voenen zhurnal any more.
полковник доц. д-р Димитър Ташков
заместник-началник по учебната и научната част на Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски“
полковник проф. д.н. Георги Карастоянов
катедра „Психология и лидерство“ – факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“
д-р Стоян Николов
научна секция „Военна история и патриотично възпитание“ – Институт за перспективни изследвания за отбраната
д-р Зоя Крачунова
началник на сектор „Издателство Г. С. Раковски“
полковник доц. д-р Атанас Атанасов
началник на катедра „Сухопътни войски“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
капитан I ранг доц. д-р Красимир Костадинов
началник на катедра „Военноморски сили“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
полковник доц. д-р Росен Димитров
катедра „Военновъздушни сили и противовъздушна отбрана“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
полковник доц. д-р Светослав Велев
катедра „Мениджмънт на извънредните ситуации“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
полковник доц. д-р Иван Христозов
катедра „Комуникационни и информационни системи“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
полковник доц. д-р Петко Димов
началник на научна секция „Иновации и платформи в образованието и квалификацията“ – Институт за перспективни изследвания за отбраната
подполковник доц. д-р Владимир Иринков
катедра „Логистика“ – факултет „Командно-щабен“
професор д-р Лидия Велкова
катедра „Мениджмънт на сигурността и отбраната“ – факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“
доцент д-р Румяна Карева
катедра „Психология и лидерство“ – факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“
доцент д-р Мила Серафимова
катедра „Психология и лидерство“ – факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“
доцент д-р Ирина Миндова-Дочева
катедра „Национална и международна сигурност“ – факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“
доцент д-р Валентина Георгиева
ръководител на катедра „Езиково обучение“ – департамент „Дистанционно обучение, езикова подготовка и квалификация“
доцент д-р Румен Николов
ръководител на научна секция „Военна история и патриотично възпитание“ – Институт за перспективни изследвания за отбраната
Prof. Mark Kramer
Harvard University
Prof. Arne Westad
London School of Economics and Political Science (member of British Academy)
MG Prof. Mihail Ionescu
Institute of Military History and Political Studies of Defence, Bucharest
Dr. Daniel McDonald
Defence Equal Opportunity Management Institute, USА
Dr. Jovanka Saranovic
Defence Research Institute, Beograd, Serbia
Dr. John Nomikos
Research Institute for European and American Studies, Athens, Greece
Prof. PhD Carol Atkinson
University of Southern California, USА
G. S. Rakovski National Defence Academy
82, Evlogi I Hristo Georgievi Blvd.
Sofia 1504, Bulgaria
Chief Editor
Col. Prof. Georgi Karastoyanov, PhD, (02) 92 26529, e-mail: g.karastoyanov@rndc.bg
Managing Editors
Stoyan Nikolov, PhD, (02) 92 26657, e-mail: s.nikolov@rndc.bg
Zoya Krachunova, PhD, (02) 92 26672, e-mail: z.krachunova@rndc.bg