International Semester with Cadets from Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Balchesku”, Romania

Rakovski National Defence College organizes an International Semester with cadets and students from partner military universities under the EU’s Erasmus + programme for the third time. On 8 March 2022 we welcomed 15 cadets from the Land Forces Academy “Nicolae Balchescu” in Sibiu, Romania. Eight cadets are on traineeship and will spend two months at the College, and 7 are on Erasmus studies for 5 months. During their traineeship, the cadets will work on their theses. Their mentors are lecturers from the Logistics Department, the Land Forces Department, the Air Force Department and the CIS Department. The cadets who are staying during the whole summer semester will attend classes in special subjects in English, will have English classes with their colleagues – students in the bachelor’s programme in National Security, will learn the basics of the Bulgarian language and will have special classes in Bulgarian history and culture.

The cadets were welcomed by the coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme at the College, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Dimitrov and by the lecturers they will be working with during their stay in Sofia. Social and cultural programme will be included in their training in order get acquainted with some of the most important sights not only of Sofia, but also in Bulgaria.
They will also have the opportunity to participate in the jubilee celebrations and the international scientific conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Military Academy.

We wish them fruitful and successful training at the military Alma Mater!