The Language Training Department at Rakovski National Defence College announces the international conference dedicated to its 70th anniversary
11 – 12 November, 2021
Sofia, Bulgaria
Поради влошаване на епидемиологичната обстановка, международната юбилейна конференция, посветена на 70-годишнината на катедра „Езиково обучение” във Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски”, ще се проведе в хибриден формат. Поканваме регистрираните участници, които притежават цифров COVID сертификат на ЕС („зелен сертификат”), да присъстват лично при желание, а заявилите участие, които не притежават такъв, да се включат в конференцията онлайн.
Due to worsening of the COVID situation, the International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Language Training Department at Rakovski National Defence College will be held in a hybrid format. We invite registered participants who have an EU digital COVID certificate („green certificate“) to attend in person if they wish, and applicants who do not such a certificate to join the conference online.
☞ Линковете за онлайн участие са поставени тук. (The links for online participation are the following):
- for participation in the panels in Rakovski Hall click here;
- for participation in the panels in Drangov Hall click here
Foreign language training at Rakovski National Defence College started with the establishment of the military institution in 1912, but the year 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of the department which was included in the structure of the institution as a separate entity dealing with foreign language education of officers.
The conference aims to bring together language teachers – veterans from the College and language teachers in languages which have been traditionally taught at the College – Bulgarian as a foreign language, English, French, German, and Russian from HEIs in Bulgaria and abroad– alongside with stakeholders from MoD who are interested in the latest trends and the dynamic changes in foreign language training.
We invite language practitioners, researchers, academics, and professionals to exchange insights into the shifs of the traditional linguistic paradigm and to share ideas on the best ways to interweave language developments and current methodological approaches with innovative practices in foreign langauage teaching, which are generated by the context of technological developments. The presentations, workshops, and discussions will facilitate the processes of up-to-date language teaching that meets the demands for fluent communicative language skills necessary for the workforce, including usage and comprehension of specialised vocabulary.
For our 70th anniversary conference, we would like to encourage an exchange of teaching ideas and practices in the field of languages for specific purposes, teaching foreign languages to the military professionals in particular, by focusing our attention on the best approaches to transform the traditional working methods into fresh and efficient language learning process facilitated by or conducted through technology.
☞The scientific panels of the conference are the following:
1. Innovative practices in language teaching
2. Language for Specific Purposes: theory, methodology and testing
3. E-language learning
4. Intercultural aspects of language teaching
5. The traditional language paradigms in the 21st century
In addition to the academic papers and presentations on the suggested topics, the conference agaenda also includes:
– Open lessons – conducted by experiences English language teachers from the Language Training Department ofRakovski National Defence College, aimed at presenting real-life lessons with military professionals to novice teachers from military units in Bulgaria;
– Workshops – to present practical ideas on innovative teaching practices in languages for specific purposes and newly-designed content or materials for online teaching.
☞Check the Programme in Bulgarian for details.
☞Check the Programme in English for details.
Bulgarian, English, Russian, French, German
1.September 12, 2021: conference registration online Register English – Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски“ (
2.October 10, 2021: deadline for payment of the participation fee
3.October 12, 2021: deadline for papers submission by e-mail to:
4.October 15, 2021: conference programme will be announced after this date
5.November 11-12, 2021: conference
They will be published by Military Publishing House Sofia in a volume with the Conference Proceedings. Only papers that have been sent by 10 October 2021 will be eligible for publication.
Paper presentations – Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussions.
The volume of each paper should not exceed 15 pages (30 lines of 60 characters per line). Submission should be made in digital format in Word 97-2003 format and duplicated in PDF format.
Participants with papers in English/German/ French/Russian should include:
Capitalised Title of the paper, academic position, academic degree and names of the authors (Center, Bold, Font Size 11 pt), blank line, short summary up to 5 lines and up to 10 keywords (Times New Roman, Italic, Font Size 10 pt), blank line.
Main body of the paper: Times New Roman 12 pt. Page margins: top, bottom, left and right –2,5 cm.
At the end of the paper there has to be author’s contact information (organization, phone, e-mail), as well as a signed form that the paper does not contain classified information.
Figures and tables should be close to their first mentioning. Mathematical formulas should be numbered on the right of the page with Arabic numerals in parentheses.
The bibliographic citation of the used sources should be with indexes (Arabic numerals) in the text, and their description should be at the end of the article (Endnotes) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 690:2011 and the Official Dictionary of Standard Bulgarian Spelling (BAS, 2012). A sample paper template can be downloaded here.
- The maximum number of papers with which each author can participate (individually or in co-authorship) is two.
- The deadline for registration is September 12, 2021.
- The participation fee is 40 EUR for foreign participants and BGN 40 for Bulgarian participants.
- For the servicemen and employees of the Ministry of Defence, the Bulgarian Army and the structures subordinated to the Minister of Defence, the participation in the scientific conference is free of charge.
- The conference fee covers the participation fee, the conference materials (programme, certificate of attendance), a copy of the Conference Proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch (11 November 2021), dinner (11 November 2021).
- Payments should be made to the following bank account, with the mention ‘for Conf _70’ .
Beneficiary: Rakovski National Defence College
Address of beneficiary: 82, Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi Blvd, Sofia 1504 Bulgaria
Bank of beneficiary: BNB
IBAN: BG40BNBG96613100152401
Assoc. Prof. Dr Valentina Georgieva
Senior Lecturer Daniela Vucheva
Senior Lecturer Anna Stefanova
Senior Lecturer Diana Borimechkova
Senior Lecturer Ivan Saraliev
TCol Dr Antonio Martinez de Banos – University Centre for Defence
Dr Sofia Menezes Academia Militar Portugal
Prof. Dr Diana Yankova – NBU
Dr Petia Alexieva – DLI Lackland AFB USA
Assoc. Prof. Dr Petina Vicheva – Naval Academy
Assoc. Prof. Diana Timova – National Military University
Assoc. Prof. Diana Zhelezova-Mindizova – RU
Phone: +359 2 92 26 585; e-mail: