Major General Todor Dochev
Commandant of
Rakovski National Defence College
Major General Todor Dochev was born on 24 April 1963, in the village of Todor Ikonomovo, Shumen. He graduated from “Georgi Dimitrov” National Military Artillery School, Shumen, specializing in “Automated command systems for AD of the Air Force” (1986). He was a full-time postgraduate student at Rakovski National Defence College and Sofia Technical University (1993 – 1995). He also graduated from “Nikola Vaptsarov” Naval Academy, Varna, specializing in “Radiolocation and radio navigation in the Navy” (1997). MG Todor Dochev graduated in “Command-and-staff operational-and-tactical Air Defence” in the Command and Staff Faculty at RNDC (1997), as well as “Strategic management of the National Defence and Armed Forces” in the National Security and Defence Faculty at RNDC (2011).
MG Todor Dochev studied at the Netherlands Defence College in the city of Delft. He graduated the UN school in the city of Amersfoort, Netherlands, as well as a course for Leaders of 21st century at “George Marshal” Study Center in Germany. He received further qualification in Canada and Turkey.
MG Todor Dochev served at military unit 34820 in Batak (1986 – 1989), then became a platoon commander in 3rd division at “Panayot Volov” Higher Military School for Artillery and Anti-aircraft Defense in Shumen (1989 – 1990) and a lecturer in the Radiolocation Department of the same school (1990 –1992). Later he was Commander of military unit 28540 in the village of Trud, near Plovdiv (1997 – 2000), senior assistant chief of department “Air and maritime sovereignty” at the Main operational management of the Armed Forces HQ (2000 – 2003) and senior national representative and contingent commander in Afghanistan (2003). MG Todor Dochev was also operations officer in the Contingent management group in Iraq (2004), deputy senior national representative and contingent commander of the SFOR and EUFOR missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004 – 2005). Senior assistant chief of department “Air and maritime sovereignty” at the Main operational management of the Armed Forces HQ (2005 – 2006). Chief of section “Military schools” at the Human resources management of the Armed Forces HQ (2006 – 2009). Chief of section “Education” at the Human resources management directorate at the Ministry of Defence (2009 – 2010). Deputy commandant of the National Military University on Air force matters (2011 – 2014), commandant of “Vasil Levski” National Military University (2014 – 2015), commandant of Rakovski National Defence College (2015 –2016), deputy commander of the Joint Forces Command (2017 – 2018), defence attaché of the Republic of Bulgaria in RF (2018 – 2021). He has been Major General since 2015.
Awards: “For loyal service under the banners” award sign – Іst grade, two award signs IIIrd grade “For loyal service under the banners”, “For excellent service” medal – Іst grade, medal for participation in ISAF, medal for participation in EUFOR, medal from the Ministry of Defence of the Netherlands.
He speaks English and Russian.
Married with one child.

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
82 Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi Blvd.
Phone: + 359 2/ 92 26 550